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For The Beginner - Cast Iron Golf Clubs Or Forged?
By: Lee MacRae
With a larger variety of golf clubs coming onto the scene every week, it can become more and more difficult to determine just exactly what you should be looking for when buying new clubs.
Follow along as we examine what is available on the market today and what they can do for you...and your golf game.
First, take note of your height. Standard golf clubs are designed for individuals bewteen five and six feet. That goes every bit for both men and women. Shorter or taller golfers may need to look to the custom club for proper equipment.
Will that be cast iron or forged?
For just about all golfers, the standard cast iron golf clubs are the right choice.
Why do we say that? Because most standard cast iron golf clubs have a larger "sweet spot". That term refers to the area in the middle of the face of the club head where the ball should be struck for maximum distance and accuracy. A larger sweet spot gives you a larger striking area and greater odds for a well-hit shot. Being a little off center will not affect your shot to any great degree. Beginners especially benefit from that standard cast iron feature. Without a steady consistant swing, a larger striking area will produce better shots overall. That is why you see a lot of oversized club heads on the market today. They allow average duffers the opportunity of striking the ball well and getting great drives more often.
By contrast, forged iron golf clubs are "harder to hit" a good shot with as they have a smaller sweet spot.
Why, you ask, are forged iron clubs even made then?
This is due to the fact that forged iron offers a better "feel" on your shot because it is a softer metal than cast iron. The more experienced player has a much more defined and repeatable swing, allowing them to hit the smaller sweet spot with much more consistancy. They don't need that larger "margin of error" the beginner needs. And now, the better "feel" allows him or her the added advantage of being able to manoevre and/or "shape" each shot to the circumstances as needed.
Next question, will you use steel or a composite material for the shaft of your new club?
The significant measure here is golf club velocity. A typical, everyday golfer will possess a club velocity of 80 to 94 mph. Slower speeds generally imply you should look to using a shaft made from composite material. The problem with lower speed is you get less distance on your shots. You need to generate more speed [and more power] or find some way to compensate until you can. Composite shafts will allow you to get that much needed distance on your shots. And even within the composite shaft class, you will find variations in flex and materials that will affect your game.
For those of you with faster swing speeds, and subsequenlty good distances, steel shafted clubs will give you a lot more control on your shots. This is very similar to the advantages of iron over cast clubs.
In order to determine your personal swing speed, look for a sports shop or golf store that has speed sensor equipment and get yourself clocked.
With just these few starting hints, it is generally best if you rent a few different sets of clubs as you play and take note of how each club assists or hinders your game. You are searching to determine your personal strong points and weak points. Try out the diverse types and sorts of clubs available to you and see what works best for your own game.
These simple golf driving tips have proved effective in helping many golfers around the world improve their drives off the tee. Simply apply what you have read here to your own circumstances. Here's to your own improvement!
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Let's Talk About Golf
Short Game Tip
The chip and run should be the workhorse of your short game. It is the most reliable shot around the green when you can't putt. I would estimate that at least 95% of my short game shots (from within 20 yards of the edge of the green) are played with a chip and run technique, and the other 5% is made up of putts from off the green, pitches, and bunker shots. Getting the ball on the ground and rolling as soon as possible greatly increases the chances of the ball's behavior being predictable. That is not to say that a chip and run is always very low to the ground; just as low as possible. A chip and run style shot can be played with the most lofted wedge in your bag, in which case some people might refer to the shot as a "pitch and run." In many cases where the average golfer tries to pitch the ball up in the air, the "risk vs. reward" and the uncontrollable nature of a pitch (especially from a marginal lie) make it a poor choice.
Short Game General Rules
--Putt whenever feasible (i.e., IF the ball will roll rather than bounce)
--Chip and run when you can't putt
--Pitch only when you have no choice
...PGA professional golf
Low-Cost Alternatives
If golf sounds like a great idea, the sticking point to getting started can all too often be cost. After all, you need clubs, balls, tees, and in the case of many clubs a strict dress code must be adhered to that makes entry into the sport appear prohibitive. However, it is essential that such enthusiasm should be nurtured by means of the opportunities afforded by low-cost alternatives. So why not start out by identifying the location of the local driving range, or a municipal course run by the council that will be relatively cheap in terms both of green fees and the hire of clubs.
...mastering golf UK
Give Your Spine The Forearm
Make sure you're on-plane at the top of the swing to guarantee solid ballstriking and increased accuracy. Notice in the photo at left how my right forearm is parallel to my spine, my left wrist is flat and my elbows and arms form a tight triangle. These are indications that I've rotated my shoulders into the backswing perfectly.
...Golf Tips magazine
Neutral = Straight
There are two key alignments to strive for at the top of the swing that will make hitting fairways much easier. The most important of the two is the clubface position, which should be square (the leading edge basically is parallel to the left arm). Learning this position will remove the need to compensate on the downswing with the hands. Positioning the club parallel to the target line is also extremely important.
...Golf Tips magazine
Don't grip the club too tightly. A tight grip inhibits a smooth swing and follow-though. Also, keep the grips on your clubs in good condition. Worn grips force you to hold the club too tightly. Replace the grips on your clubs as they get worn and smooth. When first learning the grip, keep a club around the house and practice gripping and regripping the club a few minutes each day. Remember to keep fingers secure and arms relaxed.
...Golf Instruction Guide
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